The method of automatic suitable simulation for spray systems
In this paper, according to system connection, a branch network model of pipes and components is set up for the spray system actual piping condition. The recursive algorithm is commenceme
作物生产是一场“完美风暴”的核心,它包括在面对气候变化时实现所有人的粮食 和营养安全的重大挑战,同时避免农业自然栖息地的,进一步转变和生物多样性丧失的进一步挑战。在这里,我们通过总结并反思在第二届国际作物建模研讨会 Second International Crop Modelling Symposium (iCropM2020)上提出的研究,探讨与这些重大挑战相关的作物建模的当前趋势..
论文的题目是《基于天气预报的水稻灌溉决策强化学习方法》。A reinforcement learning approach to irrigation decision-making for rice using weather forecastsMengting Chen, Yufeng Luo文章介绍了在智能灌溉决策方面的最新进展。欢迎下载引用详见: